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    Surgical masks - Type IIR (Box of 50/un )

    Artikelnummer: MM-MMPA132R000099.0
    Anbieter: MM4M
    Dieses Produkt hat eine Mindestmenge von 50
    i h

    Surgical masks in polypropylene 3 layers with elastic fixation, not reusable. Class I medical device according to regulation UE 2017/745 and Type IIR according to EN 14683: 2019. Intended purpose: Protection of health professionals, patients and third parties against possible contamination. For the prevention of illness or damage in the hospital, laboratory, industrial or other environment. Storage precautions: Keep in a dry and dust-free place. Avoid humidity, direct sunlight and fluorescent light. Method of placement / Use: Hold the mask by the elastics and put the white layer in contact with the face, subject the elastics to the ears. Adjust the nose clip to the nose. Pull the mask from the bottom to cover the entire face. Care to take: the mask body must not be touched by the user's fingers / hands; hands should be disinfected after removing the mask; a mask that is used to cover the nose and mouth of the user must not, at any time, be kept around the neck to be reused; an already used mask should be discarded when it is no longer needed or between two procedures; when there is a need for protection again, a new mask must be put on; replace the mask with a new one, if it is damp, hand hygiene between the two tasks, immediately discard it in a waste bin; ideally you should not use the mask for more than 4 hours straight.

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